Blessed Numbers My Precious Tarot Flowers and FruitsCATEGORIES
Rings Necklaces Earrings Bracelets PendantsMagical worlds, divination and spirituality are part of my life and have always fascinated me. The divinatory tarot is a wonderful tool for accessing the messages of our soul. I have been drawing cards for years for my loved ones, and I am always amazed at the messages it conveys. It retraces, from the first to the last card, the journey of the soul with its lights and its shadows, its evolution. This inspiring divinatory art, whose origin remains relatively mysterious, has been interpreted by numerous artists throughout the centuries. It is with great joy that I designed My Precious Tarot, which illustrates each major arcana in a piece of jewelry. It is the bridge between my inner life and my life as an artist which are obviously linked. Between mystical and utopian, the aesthetic of my collection completely represents my vision of the world. It is a joyful and poetic tarot that I wish to offer, transmitting fundamental and spiritual concepts in joy, color and abundance. Accompanied by his cartoon, which was my first production in animation. Rains of precious stones, 18-carat yellow gold, hand-carved symbols and allegories... Simple aesthetic choice or symbolic choice, let yourself be carried away by your intuition!
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